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The relationship of leaf photosynthetic traits – Vcmax and Jmax – to leaf nitrogen, leaf phosphorus, and specific leaf area: a meta-analysis and modeling study




Great uncertainty exists in the global exchange of carbon between the atmosphere and the terrestrial biosphere. An important source of this uncertainty lies in the dependency of photosynthesis on the maximum rate of carboxylation (Vcmax) and the maximum rate of electron transport (Jmax). Understanding and making accurate prediction of C fluxes thus requires accurate characterization of these rates and their relationship with plant nutrient status over large geographic scales. Plant nutrient status is indicated by the traits: leaf nitrogen (N), leaf phosphorus (P), and specific leaf area (SLA). Correlations between Vcmax and Jmax and leaf nitrogen (N) are typically derived from local to global scales, while correlations with leaf phosphorus (P) and specific leaf area (SLA) have typically been derived at a local scale. Thus, there is no global-scale relationship between Vcmax and Jmax and P or SLA limiting the ability of global-scale carbon flux models do not account for P or SLA. We gathered published data from 24 studies to reveal global relationships of Vcmax and Jmax with leaf N, P, and SLA. Vcmax was strongly related to leaf N, and increasing leaf P substantially increased the sensitivity of Vcmax to leaf N. Jmax was strongly related to Vcmax, and neither leaf N, P, or SLA had a substantial impact on the relationship. Although more data are needed to expand the applicability of the relationship, we show leaf P is a globally important determinant of photosynthetic rates. In a model of photosynthesis, we showed that at high leaf N (3 gm−2), increasing leaf P from 0.05 to 0.22 gm−2 nearly doubled assimilation rates. Finally, we show that plants may employ a conservative strategy of Jmax to Vcmax coordination that restricts photoinhibition when carboxylation is limiting at the expense of maximizing photosynthetic rates when light is limiting.
机译:大气层与陆地生物圈之间的全球碳交换存在极大的不确定性。这种不确定性的重要来源在于光合作用对最大羧化速率(Vcmax)和最大电子传输速率(Jmax)的依赖性。因此,要了解和准确预测碳通量,就需要准确表征这些速率及其在较大地理范围内与植物养分状况的关系。植物营养状态由以下特征指示:叶氮(N),叶磷(P)和比叶面积(SLA)。 Vcmax和Jmax与叶氮(N)之间的相关性通常是从局部到全局尺度得出的,而与叶磷(P)和比叶面积(SLA)的相关性通常是在局部尺度上得出的。因此,在Vcmax和Jmax以及P或SLA之间不存在全局尺度的关系,从而限制了全局尺度的碳通量模型的能力不考虑P或SLA。我们收集了来自24项研究的已公开数据,以揭示Vcmax和Jmax与叶N,P和SLA的全局关系。 Vcmax与叶N密切相关,而增加叶P则大大增加了Vcmax对叶N的敏感性。Jmax与Vcmax密切相关,并且叶N,P或SLA均未对该关系产生重大影响。尽管需要更多数据来扩大关系的适用性,但我们显示叶P是光合作用速率的全球重要决定因素。在光合作用模型中,我们表明,在高叶氮(3 gm-2)下,叶P从0.05增加到0.22 gm-2几乎使同化率增加了一倍。最后,我们表明植物可能采用保守的从Jmax到Vcmax配位的策略,该策略在限制羧化作用时限制了光抑制,而在限制光照的情况下以最大化光合速率为代价。



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